Sunday, August 24, 2014

It's Yer Vuelta a Espana Two Days in Review! #LaVuelta

Okay, let's keep it short:

1. Was I the only one watching Movistar winning the time trial with all nine guys there and thinking, "I call bull!@#$?" Except, of course, for ex-Euskie Castroviejo.

2. Yeah, and I *know* I'm not the only one who finds it slightly disturbing to see Valverde in the red jersey. Watch out Nairo, Grampa ain't gonna give it up to you easy!

3. So Pippo Pozzato's not only being smacked around by the national team boss for being lazy, his own Lampre leader is telling him to quit acting like a prom queen and get a grip. Of course, (1) one of the criticisms was Pippo wearing his own color, not team, shoes (but then, style *is* key) and (2) what does Pippo do in response? Immediately post a selfie of him getting his massage! Hey, at least it means he rode the race today...

4. Bouhanni, man. Sagan, just the points jersey isn't gonna be enough for Oleg!

5. Shut up! Purito's only 38 seconds down, shut up! Katusha, can you *please* work on your team time trial over the winter?

6. How the hell aren't the poor guys at Sky burning into bacon thru those see-through skinsuits? You can see the pasty glare from outer space!

7. I am frankly of two minds as to Alberto Contador here. Yes, he'll animate the race just being there, but doesn't something about pounding the pedals with a healing broken tibia for 6 hours a day seem both long- and short-term potentially disastrous? Oh well, I'm an armchair team director, not a doctor--stay and get well Alberto!

8. Oh Euskaltel! I'm tellin' yas, crowdfunding people...

Tomorrow: a rather lumpy little beastie, with a mostly-uphill-then-barely-downhill final kilometer. Saganator, you've got some thinking to do!

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