Friday, May 30, 2014

It's Last Chance Mountain at the Giro--and to Enter Our Fab Week Tre Giro Contest! Plus, Tommeke! #giro

It's the Make-or-Break Zoncolan, Baby!: first, I'm calling bull!@#$ on everyone still whining and bitchin' about Nairo's win while half the peloton neutralized itself on the Stelvio: whatever the race organizers' !@#$up, and it *was* huge, and even assuming you wiped out the time Quintana gained on his downhill attack--because there's no justification whatsoever for wiping out his uphill time gains--he'd've *still* been firmly in the GC lead after his killer performance in the uphill time trial today. Damn, am I the only one starting to get a little nostalgic for freakin' Chaingate? Anyhoo, the race ain't over yet, and even wee Nairo could crack, so not only is nothing decided quite yet, the second two spots on the podium sure ain't--at least, Rigoberto and Aru aren't convinced! Which brings us to:

Still Time to Enter Our Win Free Stuff Giro d'Italia Contest Here!: Guess right (or guess wrong with everybody else), I draw yer name from the Holy Crap I Got This From Ted King Cannondale Cap o' Bitchinness, and you win a bangin' custom-embroidered cycling cap, a passel o' spiffy stickers, and a two-week Rider Insult Moratorium! Good luck to all for Week Tre--and may your dream podium come true!

You Suck Race Organizers!: okay, I get time cuts--people gotta get home for dinner 'n' all. But really, two bike probs no team car a brutal climb and you send a guy who's busted his !@# for everyone but himself for three weeks crawling home after he comes in late in the time trial? As Kenny Dehaes so eloquently put it, "Thx @giroditalia! You've treated me like an animal on Gavia and Stelvio and now after 2 mechanicals I need to go home!Grande Giro di merda" Giro, heck knows I'll excuse you for almost anything, but let him ride to Trieste!

Who Needs a Lamborghini When You Are One? !@#$ Yeah Tom Boonen!: finally, he was plagued by illness and injury during the big flashy Classics, all right, but he ain't now, as big Tom Boonen bags two straight-up sprints in the Tour of Belgium--just the kind he's recently declared himself shy of--against the stompin' likes of Andre "the Gorilla" Griepel. *So* delighted to see him back on form!--so Tommeke, you gonna share that beer keg?

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