Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's Yer 2013 World Championships In Preview, Part Uno!; and, Bonus Calendar News

Fast Times at Firenze High: yep, it's time for the Worlds, and, sensibly, the ever-high-strung time trialists are gonna be first outta the gate. What to look for:

The Team Course: actually, it's the same circuit as for the individual time trial, so at least this'll be a nice preview for those who hit the road with their teams: for the women, about 43k of damn-near-glass-flat from Pistoia to Firenze, and for the menfolk, nearabout 57k, also damn flat, from Montecatini Terme to Firenze. C'mon, wouldn't it be fun to just toss in a *little* unexpected 18% gradient for a surprise?

The Team Contenders: frankly, since it's a team as opposed to national event, I don't view this as much different from a Grand Tour time trial, so, exciting as it always is to watch, I'm not gonna sweat it out too much. Caveats: BMC could still use more cheering up, and St. David Millar just gets the !@#$ on my last nerve, so forza BMC!; and, despite widespread predictions Specialized-lululemon's got it in the bag, again, Wiggle-Honda really oughta win because (1) the great Giorgia Bronzini's on it and (2) their orange-and-black uniforms are making me sentimental because they remind me of Euskaltel's. Oh dear little Euskaltel! I already miss you so! Wait, what were we talking about?

Pretty in Speedos: and, because I can't bear to discuss transfer gossip because then I'd have to talk all the wee little Carrots flying the nest, I bring you this exciting news: hard as it is to discern from the ever-growing pile of Pippo Pozzato's gleaming half-nekkid instagram selfies, our boy's sun-splashed visage is also gonna grace a 2014 Calendar near you. Other reported pelotonian hot shots: Peter Sagan strategically hidden behind his bike in full wheelie, a lurid close-up of Argos hotshot Marcel Kittel's perfect hair, and Pat "Dick" McQuaid posing coyly behind miniature flags of all the random countries he's tried to get to back him for UCI prez. What, no Hein Verbruggen? I call bull!@#$!

Next Worlds Preview: the Individual Time Trials next week. Hey, wait up!

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