Saturday, May 04, 2013

It's the 2013 Racejunkie Giro d'Italia Win Free Stuff Contest!

Why?: What, you'd rather freeze your !@# off on a mountainside for six hours waiting for the peloton to flash by in six seconds while eating French food instead? Thought so! Plus, really, there's never been a charminger, more genuinely Giro-lovin' non-Italian defending winner than Hesjedal. Way to go dear neighbor Canada!

What: You answer the week's question right, I toss your name along with the other smartypants' into the Holy Once-Eroski Cap o' Destiny, I pick a name without peeking (I promise!), and you win! I e-mail you to find out where to send the prize, I don't hock yer info to spam-wanks like a goon--that's it!

The Rules: Yap, yap, see the site for the legalese--in essence, I can change whatever I want whenever I want, which I really generally wouldn't do barring some stupid self-imposed disaster anyway, and you kindly cut me some slack if that happens. Bonus points for anyone who shows photographic proof they went to work (*outside* your "home office", wisenheimers) with face painted in full Euskaltel team colors!

The Prizes: A smashing custom-embroidered racejunkie cycling cap, one of only 3 of its kind on the planet! A passel o' racejunkie stickers to pimp your racejunkie pride (or shame)! Best of all, for the slightly defensive amongst you: an agonizingly long two-week rider insult moratorium on your favorite peloton studpup!

Where: Enter here ,fellow Giro freaks--and good luck to all!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for shearing us a great knowledge
