Saturday, July 28, 2012

Oh My God, It's a Sleazemeister's Dream Come True!: Vino Takes the Gold

Diggin' It Diggin' It Diggin' It!: yes folks, we may simultaneously have our first cycling gold medal *and* positive test of the Games: after a hideously annoying Tour in which everyone was yappin' how clean they are and how clean cycling is and how clean their underpants are and how years of irritating public sobbing redeem you from being a selfish doping jackwagon, none other'n wily son of a gun Alexandre "I Will Take All You Other Lying Mother!@#$ers *Down*!" Vinokourov has just taken the gold not only from a group of sprinter squads that just wouldn't lend each other some legs, but an incredibly exciting but completely miscalculating breakaway that utterly underestimated Vinokourov's faultless if almost impossibly gutsy tactical sense. And sure, it would've been great if Rigoberto Uran had taken it--but where the hell was he looking when Vino took off? Anyway, sincere congrats to Wiggo and the rest of the Brits for an essentially solo job nobly done, holy moly did Greipel and the other Germans look pissed, I hope Cancellara didn't bust his collarbone again, really sad for Boonen's crap mechanical, I *do* hate to see the Americans looking so dejected, but right on Vinokourov for taking it for the geezers--and man, I hope you're clean! I mean, I'm sure you're enough to pass. But I truly hope you haven't dishonored the gold--so let's err on the side of honor, and give credit where it's due!


  1. LOL...

    Former professional rider Floyd Landis was quick to make light of Vinokourov's Olympic win. While the Daily Mail called the race winner a 'nobody' and CBS ran with the headline "Ex-doper Vinokourov wins Olympic road race", Landis contacted Cyclingnews with the following:

    "If Vino says 'it's a victory for clean cycling" he'd be my hero. Alternatively if he said 'f*** every single mother******* one of you,' that would work too."

  2. Stop bashing Vino - he admitted it, did his time. Can't say that about a number of ex-Pros out there! But I hope to god he is clean this time.

  3. O man! I just gotta pitch $.02 on this one! Even if Vino used a little blood refresh - he still has that unerring sense of when to attack! The guy knows his job!

    I hate the doping shit. Hate it. I also hope Vino didn't do it this time. I am heartened by Ashendon saying that in 1999-2000, Lance did - but most of the peloton did not. That means today we are seeing mostly good performances, with a few jokers. Ok - I don't like the jokers, but I can live with that. Even if Vino did a low-percentage joker routine this time - he has earned his win. So many years of attacking and making the race exciting!! I do not call myself a Vino fanboy - but Long Live Vino!
