Wednesday, June 13, 2012

On Second Thought...Tell 'Im To Stuff It, Horner!

Uh, Sorry Dude: well, that didn't last long: poor Andy Schleck has been diagnosed with a sacral pelvic fracture from his worse-than-thought crash in the Dauphine', and is officially out of the Tour de France. On the plus side, Andy'll be back in action just in time for a showdown-o'-truth at the Vuelta a Espana with returning Tour de France rival Alberto Contador. Y'know, aside from the fact that Horner deserves to go anyway, based on his own palmares if big brother Frank weren't so busy keeling himself over shlepping Golden Boy around, Frank'd actually be able to come up pretty strong in his own right--after all, he has. So I say, let Chris and Frank duel it out for supremacy. Horner always rocks, but Frank's got him on actual grand tour GC results, and actually didn't look like such crap at the Tour de Suisse this week. Of course, swords or those clunky ol' pistols are hard to come by these days, but if they won't agree to do it the gentlemanly way, I suppose slugging it out on the bike is a reasonable alternative. Go Chris--and alternately, if it's just classic mano-a-mano, I bet 50 bucks that scrappy Horner takes down that gangly aristocrat like a ton (well, half-ounce) o' bricks! Here, the x-rays: Sincerely, get well soon Andy--and Johan, nice work the last couple days you soulless goon!

1 comment:

  1. Oooo looks like said goon is also going to be held to trial over doping within his team as well as lance. About time.
