Friday, September 09, 2011

It's Jensageddon--Aiiiiggghhhhhhh!

Don't Tell My Heart, My Achy-Breaky Heart: oh my god, Anonymous (thanks Anonymous!) is right--we love Jens Voigt has signed with RadioSkank! It's like that horrible opening scene in "Jaws" where some pretty teenager bips away from the party at the bonfire to cavort in the surf ahead of her laughing boyfriend, and this creepy anticipatory music kicks in, and everything goes dead still for a moment, and a giant Great White shark rears up out of nowhere with its gazillion enormous razor teeth and ruthlessly chomps her to pieces, except it's Johan Bruyneel's head coming out of the water and he's got one of those unattractive RadioSkank jerseys clutched in his teeth and he hands it to Jens instead! Oh, Jens, I'll remain faithful to your superior godliness and if you say you want this I'll try not to yack--but please, please tell me this is all some horrid B-movie hallucinatory nightmare! Okay, just staaaaaay calm everyone (okay, me), at least Jens will still spend next year in the peloton no matter who he's with...


  1. I share your panic over Jens (JENS!), but was sure this was going to be all about Anton's Big Day today!

  2. Good things; we won't have to hear "Lay-oh-pard Trek", the most pretentious name in cycling any more. Philippe Gilbert did it again today at Quebec. I knew you would like Anton's win today. The stage 17 finish was hecka exciting as well.

  3. When I watch the old CSC videos, I can't help but think that Riis has a true concern for Voigt...something Brunyeel isn't capable of...with anyone.
