Friday, October 08, 2010

Cadel Evans: Your Racejunkie Rider Profile o' the Week

You know him: you've seen him on the second spot of the final podium of the Tour de France a hundred times. But oh, there's *so* much more!

The Man: Okay, Cadel, you got me. For ages, I found you dull as dirt yet dutifully admirable to watch. And then you won the World Championships, and everything changed in an instant. The attacks. The...well, the attacks. And still more attacks. Wheel-suck *this*, you doubters!

The Basics: born in '77. Started as a mountain biker. Fabulous wife and classical musician Chiara. Major charity supporter. He's also darned appreciative of his fans, speaks well of his rivals, and doesn't make excuses when he's tired, injured, or's had a plain crap day. What he *does* do is perservere. Suckitupistan, bow to your king!

The Palmares: besides 2009 World Champ, and a whole 'nother career beating other guys on his mountain bike? The man wore his first maglia rosa in 2002; took a Tour de France time trial; snagged #1 in the UCI rankings; he's worn the maillot jaune enough to wallpaper a room with 'em; and he's taken the Tour de Romandie, Fleche-Wallone, and the points jersey in Dauphine-Libere. Pretty sweet!

The Fatal Weakness: his teams. Year after year after year, what the hell?

Cool Website Feature: In Australia, or Italy, and hungry after a hard day's road ride? Read Cadel's restaurant reviews for where to eat!

Typical Tweet: "Yes, started my ride with mens Norwegian XC (ski) team yest. Never saw guys with hairy legs go uphill so easily!"

Iconic Photo: Stage 7 at the 2010 Giro. Classics, schmlassics--can one get more bad-!@# than this?

Iconic Freak-Out: Let's see, the one where he whacks someone who touches 'im? or where he threatens to cut off someone's head for hurting his dog (buy the Official Incident T-shirt here!)? Or the one where he head-butts a journo? Or where he smacks around Daniele Righi for screwing with the chase? Me, I don't blame him for none of it!

And finally, Iconic Quote: (tossing broken helmet on ground after bloody crash in 2008 Tour) "This is your interview." Any more stupid questions, punk?


  1. C Dawg is the shiznit

  2. RJ....any video of this?

    Rasmussen is currently competing on the Danish version of Dancing with the Stars...

