Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The War of the Wankers

All right, you heard it: Saxo Bank boss Bjarne Riis kicked Andy Schleck and Stuey O'Grady out of the Vuelta for going out for a beer after work. So let's cut to the chase: either Bjarne and Andy oughta man up and talk things out over coffee so they can end their relationship on civil terms, or they should grab a !@#damn ruler, head to the men's room, whip 'em out in front of a neutral party and settle their stupid manhood dispute once and for all. Andy--if you're putting yourself in the running as the Next Lance Armstrong in the self-involved suck-my-dirty-bike-socks-you-peons arrogant-jerkface sense, you're the dead-on favorite for the win. Bjarne--if you think you *don't* look like a bitter petty crybaby punk-!@# just trying to punish Andy for leaving you next season, you're an idiot. O'Grady--you're a god and I'm a hypocrite, so you're off the hook entirely on this one. Either way, you've both completely !@#$ed over your OWN LEGITIMATE VUELTA GC CONTENDER--for whom a podium finish was still possible, at least until yesterday--and acted like a couple of overtired spoiled toddlers shrieking it out over a broken freakin' Tonka truck in the sandbox. Classy! Now Bjarne, head back to the team bus and try to salvage your squad's last hurrah with *some* dignity!


  1. “I have no reason to go into further detail,” said Schleck late yesterday, when asked by for his reaction. “We should just deal with the new consequences and continue. Andy was wrong, and he himself accepted that. He takes responsibility for his mistakes.”

  2. O'Grady should have known better, and Andy showed he is immature and full of himself. He didn't consider or honor his brother. Not good. Riis took a strong position that was sure to cause lots of attention and opinions, but I think he did what he had to do. Overlooking bad behavior would have sent a more negative message to the team as a whole.

  3. Did Andy need a drink because he had a "fire in his belly" again?

  4. This does just seem like a monumental, self-destructive pity party by Riis. If your star riders do bad things, punish them by fining them or confining them to the hotel, or calling their new sponsors to say they are dirtbags, or hey - by MAKING THEM RIDE THEIR BIKES ACROSS MOUNTAINS OF SPAIN FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS! I mean, that has to suck; it looks really, really hard! Maybe require a stage win or two, or no sport drink in their bottles the next day. There are all kinds of things you can do to punish riders.

    Bozo. Serious lack of imagination in the disciplinary process here.

    Yeah, despite my *wanting* Frank to win this thing, I did not have any real hope. But it might have been nice for Riis to land someone on the podium at least, and Frank had a shot at that. Later, Riis could pretend it was some rider he liked, and just remembered it was his team that did well!

    Having this little sulk-fest tantrum was pitiable by Riis.This does just seem like a monumental, self-destructive pity party by Riis. If your star riders do bad things, punish them by fining them or confining them to the hotel, or calling their new sponsors to say they are dirtbags, or hey - by MAKING THEM RIDE THEIR BIKES ACROSS MOUNTAINS OF SPAIN FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS! I mean, that has to suck; it looks really, really hard! Maybe require a stage win or two, or no sport drink in their bottles the next day. There are all kinds of things you can do to punish riders.

    Bozo. Serious lack of imagination in the disciplinary process here.

    Yeah, despite my *wanting* Frank to win this thing, I did not have any real hope. But it might have been nice for Riis to land someone on the podium at least, and Frank had a shot at that. Later, Riis could pretend it was some rider he liked, and just remembered it was his team that did well!

    Having this little sulk-fest tantrum was pitiable by Riis.
