Monday, September 13, 2010

Mikel, My Belle--It's the Queen Stage of the Vuelta, Baby!

The Orange Revolution: yes, after Igor Anton's horrible crash-out, and while I was still ruminating on how heart-breaking it was the other day to see the screaming happy Euskaltel fanatics eagerly--and fruitlessly--awaiting Igor on the final climb, god-in-orange Mikel Nieve takes up the torch for Euskaltel-Euskadi, redeems their fans from misery, and, in smashingly emotional fashion, snags the stage! Even bitchiner', despite well deserving to keep the glory all to himself, he dedicated the win to Anton. Here's the replay: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeee-haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah--*that's* how it's done, you Euskaltel wannabes!

But It Ain't Over Yet: meantime, in GC news, things are lookin' mighty sweet for Vincenzo Nibali ahead of the time trial against his hopeless competition, but it ain't gonna decide it: that's for the penultimate day up the nasty Bola del Mundo. And with Rodriguez having taken back some serious time, and Frank Schleck still vowing to win the whole thing, who knows what'll happen by then? Nibali, you really oughtn't've said such nasty condescending !@#$ about Ezekiel Mosquera the other day--watch yer back (and Mosquera's) up that climb, honey!

Sex, Drugs, and Franco Pellizotti: over in Narcville, Franco "Goldilocks" Pellizotti has his date with the cycling cops sometime at the end of October for heck's sake, which means, *again*, that not only is Ivan Basso breathing yet another sigh of relief that he's got one less threat in his own team to deal with next year, but, as usual, UCI has utterly failed to do anything useful the past year unless you count cement-shoeing a couple of minor domestiques and putting poor Franco on the hot seat for dubious reasons as the rest of the doping scum-weasels get to ride along in the happy--and correct--conviction that no-one else of note is going down soon. Or are they?--because Velonews is sayin' that a whole passel of US-based pros and amateurs at least, ratted out by desperate dealer-jerk Joe Papp, are about to become one with prison time. Well, it ain't gonna be George or Levi--leaving completely aside the issue of their actual innocence, we *know* those ProTour boys can afford the good stuff!

Our Insult Moratorium Continues: and, as I ponder the next Racejunkie Rest Day Rider Profile o' the Week, I must inform my dear readers that, while I *was* gonna choose our fine moratorium winners Cavendish or Menchov, I decided I just can't stomach it. Did I mention they, um, own very nice bicycles? Dammit!

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