Thursday, September 02, 2010

It's the 2010 Vuelta a Espana Racejunkie Win Free Stuff Contest Part Dos!; and, We Have A Winner!

Yes folks, the entries are in, the correct answer was "France" (because only Mickael Buffaz actually crashed, and everyone else dropped out from disgusting intestinal problems), I've dipped into the Holy ONCE/Eroski Cap o' Destiny with eyes shut tight, and the winner is: Tom! Congratulations on rightly pegging the French to choke first, I'll announce the lucky beneficiary of our Two Week Rider Insult Moratorium as soon as I hear the grim news, and now everyone, it's on to Week Two of our contest!

The Rules: you read right the first time: winners will be picked weekly, with my eyes closed I promise, from correct answers to random questions from said ONCE/Eroski icon; serious Euskaltel-Euskadi freaks and anyone insulting Denis Menchov may get extra consideration; the boring legal crap is on the contest site; and I reserve the rights to anything and everything so kindly suck it up. The bitchin' prizes: an extremely dashing custom-embroidered racejunkie cycling cap (be, most likely, the only one on your continent to own one!); a two-week insult moratorium on your chosen cyclist; and, I'll toss in some stylin' official racejunkie stickers to boot!

Enter here. Good luck to one and all!


  1. Yay Tom!

    Please, don't let there be more Toms.

    Tom is patiently (very, very!) awaiting his, "You've won because this contest is totally not rigged, nor is it run by mob goons." email.

  2. Tom, good move with the Menchov comments! Choose your insult moratorium carefully....I picked Boonen last year...but at the end of the 1st week, I was ready to hear news...ANY news...about him.

    Good to be back from our little vacation. My brother, who has a media room with a large screen TV, does not get Universal Sports. That would have been something to watch! Fortunately, my recorder at home is set to record all first run cycling shows, so I was able to see those amazing finishes.

  3. Yes, I am a marvelous suck up, thank you.

    But I'm still waiting for my email. Patiently . . . ish.

    I already have a marvelous moratorium chosen. Mwa ha ha ha haaaaa!

  4. Well check yer darn email, I sent it this morning!
