Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Man Up, Cavendish!

Cav's Punk Move: Look, I understand Mark Cavendish's been in a personal and professional funk all season. And to the extent he hasn't acted like a bitter, crybaby, snot-nosed, hyperaggressive alpha-wanker about it--and unfortunately, he *completely* has--I would even, in my chivalrous losing-cause-defending heart, quite sympathize. But when the boy who's paid far too much to ride a bike while being babied by a huge entourage of masseuses, soigneurs, team cooks, mechanics, assorted other team support, and is even coached by the phenomenal sprint god Erik Zabel for heck's sake, knows he's lost out for the win and *sits up* like an ungrateful whiner while even the domestique lead-out men still have the pride and dignity to put down their heads and charge full-out to the line to get as high a position on the stage as they can--and let's forget that he acted like a petulant bike-throwing helmet-tossing weenie after the stage, while Alessandro Petacchi still had the grace to refuse to be baited into talking smack about him--I'm beyond annoyed. I mean, am I the only one who went completely !@#$%^&* over this?!
Thor, kick his !@#!


  1. Cav is a punk. And not the cool, Joey Ramone/Richard Hell/Patti Smith sort of punk. More like the I'm-taking-my-ball-and-going-home petulant egotist trust fund baby sort of punk. I won't be surprised if he comes down with a "stomach ailment" before the Pyrenees.

  2. Being in France and missing the televised race because I can't record it is killing me. Although at least I'm not getting all the Lance chat on the French commentary.

    So I missed the stage you were talking about, but thought the headline fit after seeing Cavendish balling his eyes out after Thursday's stage win. When the station started interviewing Cancellara , Cavendish welled up again and hugged him. Did you have the same video feed?

    Oh, I saw a nice French commercial with Tyler Farrar for Transitions lenses.

  3. It's nice that Cav won, but I'm not ready to buy that he's his old, dominating self.

    I'll be more interested in seeing if he wanks out again the next time he figures out that he doesn't have the legs or the heart to win one.

  4. Rosemary, it's so smashing you're there--let us all know what we're missing! 'Cause as you said, it certainly ain't Lance Armstrong coverage...
