Monday, July 20, 2009

We've Got Ourselves A Contest Winner--and, Play to Win Free Stuff Part Trois, Baby!

Yes folks, after randomly selecting from amongst the winning entries from the Holy ONCE-Eroski Cap o' Doom 'n' Destiny, the winner for week two's contest is: SmT! Thanks SmT (do I pronounce that "smut"?)! And our two, count 'em two, week rider insult moratorium goes to: Cadel Evans!

All right kids, we're down to the home stretch. It's time for the final week, so enter to Win Free Stuff Part Trois!


  1. Received the Win Free Stuff - Week One cycling cap today! It ranks up there with my best "cycling" moments - finding Boonen coming out of the Solvang market 2 years ago after the ToC time trial, and eating breakfast among all the pro cyclist in a Paso Robles hotel at last year's ToC!

    Thanks for being entertaining and informative.

    But somehow I think the Week 2 contest had a Boonen insult worked in.

  2. Wear that cap with pride, Rosemary! I am green with envy that you've actually seen Tom Boonen in the flesh.

  3. Aw, Rosemary, I wouldn't cheat--I wrote up the second week's contest before I chose the winner of the first week!

    But if it makes you feel any better, yes, it is absolutely *killing* me not to comment about what the Belgian press is reporting on Boonen's latest wee imbroglio!

  4. RJ - I hope you share ALL your thoughts in another week. I'm sure it's much more than Boonen in a PeptoBismol commercial.

    And Tusher, did I say "finding" Boonen? Okay, actually it was more like stalking. We left the TT while Levi was still riding and as we got in our car, Boonen rode past us. We drove all over looking for the team bus. Just as we were about to give up, we saw 2 Specialized TT bikes leaning up outside the market. We got in the parking lot in time to ask him for a photo.
