Friday, May 08, 2009

The 2009 Giro d' How the !@#$ Am I Supposed to Watch This Thing !@#Dammit!?!; and, an Update

Aaaaaaiiiiggggghhhhhh!: As if hadn't pissed me off enough already, I not only get a nice e-mail from them explaining that they're too cheap and crappy to get any rights to the Giro this year--and I don't know what the hell you people think we're paying you for, but as one might reasonably surmise from the name of your site, it's to *broadcast freakin' races*--but I next learn that, though the bullriding-addicted inbreds at Vs. can't be bothered with the Giro either, we're saved! saved! because "Universal" Sports will broadcast live in the US with not only no commentary but also no replay coverage. Now, I can do without the live commentary--my ears are still ringing lo these many months later, after all, from the excruciating aural assault that was The Trautwig--but no replay coverage? What the hell are we supposed to do if we *work* for a living, you thoughtless nits--get a !@#$ing note from the network? ("Dear Your Honor: please excuse RJ from her hearing today. She has to watch a bike race.") Well, it's all moot anyway, because "Universal" turns out to be the monster hyperbole of the century, as they don't even *broadcast* in my major metropolitan area. Can one even sense how very irked I am at this moment?!

All right, I'm off to find some solution to this hideous scandal, and if it involves selling off a couple of limbs or some extra relatives on the black market to scam a last-minute ticket to Venice, fine. You *suck*, Universal Vs. and every other damn outlet on earth!

Update: Thanks to all for the advice on alternatives. Plus, Tom Boonen's positive for cocaine again. I don't know about you, but I sense rehab, folks, whether he actually needs it or not!


  1. Fear not! This can help you get what you want: is a car crash, such a waste of money. I subscribed a year or two ago and spent all that time permanently disappointed.

    No wonder we go a-torrenting eh.

  2. I thought I had a solution...get Italian programming from my satellite provider, only $19.99/mo. Problem is that I don't have quite the right type of dish so it would cost me $199.00 to get the new dish and pointed in the right direction (it would be free if I was willing to commit to a 2 year contract). So, like you I'm stuck watching a web ticker on Velonews or something! Life Bites!!!

  3. Some teams and Podium Insight do live race updates via Twitter. Just barely better than nothing, but it's free.

  4. You've probably already figured this out, RJ but is showing the Giro live *with* commentary. Not good commentary, mind you....
