Saturday, July 28, 2007

Tiiiii-iiiime Is On My Side

Yes It Is: my dead-wrong prediction of today: Levi Leipheimer. Then Cadel, and I don't remotely see Contador in 3d. Shameless St. Millar Defender: good luck to your boy, but I still think Levi can take him! Oh, man, now he's jinxed....

French Revolution: so I see rumors are floating that the outraged anti-doping riders--or at least the ones who are ticked off they didn't win a stage and/or are freaked out they're about to get caught themselves--are planning a mass protest/work stoppage dead in the middle of the Champs Elysees tomorrow, though possibly leaving 3km for the sprinters' teams to get their acts together. (Highly amusing: weeping confessional T-Mobile DS Rolf Aldag is all for it.) If you guys are going to screw over we love Thor Hushovd, morally admirable or no you can all go to hell! (Yes, I know Boonen's going to take it. I'm still rooting for Thor and Zabel.) Speaking of fear, rumors are also meandering about that yet another "prominent" rider tested poz atop the epic Plateau de Beille--that leaves out T-Mobile and all the French squads (sorry Casar!), any guesses?

Finally, a Note to the Prince of Darkness: if you're not already considering taking Vinokorouv down your end when (most sadly) his time on earth is up, you might reconsider, because according to gazzetta dello sport Andreas Kloden is considering retirement as a result of his Tour being utterly blown. Sure, Kloden, first as part of T-Mobile's legendary dope squad and then, well, Astana, possibly has in lifetime partaken of something rather stronger than Gatorade--but he could have been up there on the podium tomorrow if not for your gross stupidity you thoughtless selfish goon--aaarrrrggghhhh!

1 comment:

  1. And there was me, hoping you'd jinxed Levi with that prediction. What can I say? My boy was incredibly unlucky. Watch for him to do something tomorrow - he's getting good at attacking...
